Development Boards
Attiny85 Micro-USB module
ATtiny85 USB Development Board
CH341A 24 25 Series Burner Chip EEPROM
CP2102 USB to TTL UART serial converter Module
ESP 12E ESP8266 Wifi Wireless IoT Board Module
ESP32 CAM WiFi Bluetooth Module with OV2640 C...
ESP32 WIFI Bluetooth UNO D1 R32 4MB Flash Mic...
ESP32-WROOM-32 WiFi + BT + BLE Module
ESP8266 D1 Mini Controller Board
ESP8266 ESP-01 WIFI Transceiver Wireless Module
ESPRESSIF ESP32 WROOM-32 module with 38 Pins
MH-Tiny ATTINY88 16MHz Development Module wit...
Node MCU ESP8266 with CH340G USB-Serial Inter...
Node MCU ESP8266 with CP2102 USB-Serial Inter...
Attiny85 Micro-USB module
If you want to embed a microcontroller into a project and are looking for something smaller and cheaper than an Arduino and you don€š¬€ž¢t need a lot of I/O pins or code space, the ATtiny85...
ATtiny85 USB Development Board
ATtiny 85 development boards are important in embedded electronics. The ATtiny85 is a small development board from the Arduino community. It contains 6 Digital pins, 4 of which are ADC compatible, and is based on...
CH341A 24 25 Series Burner Chip EEPROM
This CH341A 24 25 Series EEPROM Flash BIOS USB Programmer is designed to accommodate 24 EEPROM and 25 SPI flash 8pin/16 pin chips at a cheap cost. It has a CH 341A chip, which can...
CP2102 USB to TTL UART serial converter Module
This Module is CP2102 it has total 5 pins which is used in to make serial communication Between USB to TTL UART, its a serial Converter module. This module has an IC CH9102 is a USB...
ESP 12E ESP8266 Wifi Wireless IoT Board Module
ESP-12E: ESP8266 is a serial Port WIFI Wireless Transceiver Module for Arduino which is a small WIFI transceiver that is the perfect solution for home Automation and IoT Applications. It can be the replacement of your NRF24L01,...
ESP32 CAM WiFi Bluetooth Module with OV2640 Camera Module
The ESP32 CAM WiFi Module Bluetooth with OV2640 Camera Module 2MP has a very small size camera module that can operate independently as a minimum system. It has a footprint of 40x27 mm. ESP32-CAM is a WIFI and Bluetooth dual-mode...
ESP32 WIFI Bluetooth UNO D1 R32 4MB Flash Micro USB Development Board
This board is assembled with an ESP-WROOM-32 Module and has the standard UNO size and connectors. This ESP32 WiFi Bluetooth UNO D1 R32 Development Board comes with 4MB of flash storage and a Micro USB port....
ESP32-WROOM-32 WiFi + BT + BLE Module
ESPRESSIF ESP32-WROOM-32 MCU Modules are powerful and generic Wi-Fi/BT/BLE MCU modules that target a wide variety of Applications. These modules target Applications ranging from low-power sensor networks to the most demanding tasks, such as voice encoding, music...
ESP8266 D1 Mini Controller Board
The ESP8266 D1 Mini Controller is an Internet of Things Development Board. It is a little WIFI board based on the ESP8266. There are 11 digital input/output pins with interrupt/PWM/I2C/one-wire functionality on all of them (except...
ESP8266 ESP-01 WIFI Transceiver Wireless Module
The ESP-01 ESP8266 Serial WIFI Wireless Transceiver Module is a self-contained SOC with an integrated TCP/IP protocol stack that can give any microcontroller access to your WiFi network. The ESP8266 is capable of either hosting...
ESPRESSIF ESP32-WROOM-32 MCU Modules are powerful and generic Wi-Fi/BT/BLE MCU modules that target a wide variety of Applications. These modules target Applications ranging from low-power sensor networks to the most demanding tasks, such as voice encoding, music...
ESPRESSIF ESP32 WROOM-32 module with 38 Pins
ESPRESSIF ESP32-WROOM-32 MCU Modules are powerful and generic Wi-Fi/BT/BLE MCU modules that target a wide variety of Applications. These modules target Applications ranging from low-power sensor networks to the most demanding tasks, such as voice encoding, music...
MH-Tiny ATTINY88 16MHz Development Module with Micro USB
This is an MH-Tiny ATTINY88 Development Module NANO V3.0 Micro USB. These Tiny88-based microcontroller development boards are similar to the Arduino line, only less expensive, smaller, and less powerful The ability to use the well-known Arduino...
Node MCU ESP8266 with CH340G USB-Serial Interface
The development board has an ESP-12E module with an ESP8266 chip with a Tensilica Xtensa® 32-bit LX106 RISC CPU that supports RTOS and runs at 80 to 160 MHz configurable clock frequency. There's also 128...
Node MCU ESP8266 with CP2102 USB-Serial Interface
The development board has an ESP-12E module with an ESP8266 chip with a Tensilica Xtensa® 32-bit LX106 RISC CPU that supports RTOS and runs at 80 to 160 MHz configurable clock frequency. There's also 128...